
Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Goldilocks Trifle Dessert

        Parents nowadays are usually all very busy. It’s funny because nowadays even if a parent doesn’t have a 9-5 job, there are still so many things that needs to be done and we have so little time to do it. So in this day and age, we try what we can to do things the fast way. For instance making a dessert recipe. This usually takes a while. But with simple ingredients you can find at the grocery store, and Goldilocks, making a fun dessert for your little one will be a piece of cake!

Goldilocks Golden Butter Cake Slice

        Goldilocks’ Cake Slices are affordable super moist cake slices that’s an excellent go-to for merienda or to pack for a trip, or as pambaon for work or school. The size is huge and it is delicious! And at an affordable price of only 22 Php per slice, you can never go wrong!

        You can eat the cake slices as it is, anytime, anywhere. But if you want to kick it up a notch, here’s a simple recipe that Rina and I tried at home. Let me call it the Goldilocks Kids Trifle Cake! No baking or cooking required!

Goldilocks Golden Butter Cake Slice

All you need are these:

  • Goldilocks Golden Butter Cake Slice (Any flavor actually)
  • All-purpose cream or better yet, whipped cream
  • Ready-made Custard Cream. Or if you can’t find any (like my situation), I used Elle & Vire Creme Dessert Vanilla flavor.
  • Fruit cocktail
  • Jelly

        As I’ve said earlier, this is very simple. Trifle cake is a traditional English dessert made with thick custard, and has all these beautiful layers of different ingredients such as fruits, sponge cake, what have yous, and usually topped with whipped cream. Of course since this is just a quick kiddie trifle recipe, the ingredients are simpler. And since my containers are small, it’s hard to see the layers haha! But it’s delicious as well!

Goldilocks Golden Butter Cake Slice

        So since the Goldilocks Butter Cake Slice is really huge and my kiddie cups are small, I sliced the cake into small dices and made sure to fill as much as I can of the container’s bottom. This will be the dessert’s base. Then basically you just add a layer of fruit cocktail (with the juice), and then a layer of jello, and then ideally a layer of custard first, before topping it with whipped cream.

Easy trifle recipe

        And here you go! But I ended mine with the custard since I wasn’t able to find whipped cream. And since my kiddie cups are small, it’s hard to see the layering. Then to make it pretty and more kid-friendly, I topped it with these! ...

Easy trifle recipe

Easy trifle recipe

        ARRRRR! I saw these cool Pirate sugar decorettes from Goldilocks! Because a few days ago Rain was in her Pirate zone saying “I’m a pirate!!!”  That’s pretty much it! Chill it for a bit then serve.

Easy trifle recipe

I’m happy that she liked it!

Easy trifle recipe

Make sure to put in a lot of Goldilocks cake slice at the bottom. It’s yummier that
way. ;-)

Easy trifle recipe

        I’m sure there’s a lot more that can be done with these delicious Goldilocks Cake Slices!
If you have a recipe, do share! And use the hash tag #GoldiCakeSlice !

Goldilocks Cake Slices are available in the following variants:

  • Golden Butter Cake Slice
  • Chiffon Cake Slice
  • Heavenly Chocolate Cake Slice
  • Double Dutch Cake Slice
  • Heavenly Marble Cake Slice
  • Mocha Marble Cake Slice
  • Sugar-free Chocolate Cake Slice

For more cool ideas, visit


  1. I think this is a fantastic idea especially for people like me who don't really bake!
