
Thursday, October 10, 2013


Spotted!!! (Literally) : Richie ready to party!

       People who know me and Richie (especially Richie) would probably be confused if they saw us at one of the most happening bars in the metro today. For the second time, The Pickiest Eater was again spotted at URBN Bar without a drink in his hand for one main and very obvious reason: NEW BAR CHOWS!

URBN has new beautiful additions to their already awesome menu!

       Starting with these Country Fried Bacon (P250) which we find surprisingly affordable. They're like breaded thick-cut bacon with some sort of gravy dip. I had a feeling Chef Benjo Tuason had Richie in mind when he was making this.

       The Blackbenny Fries (P250) is one of my favorites. It's served with their own real gravy! This is definitely a hit! Sort of like poutine fries.

       The Mini Blackbenny Angus Burgers (P260 for 3 pcs / P520 for 6 pcs) are yummy sliders in a brioche bun, with mild cheddar, bacon (that's the way!), an interesting onion jam, aloli, and thick hand-cut fries.

       The Lamb Hash (P320) is what I would call the sosyal na giniling. An upscale version of a dish I grew up with which is fried ground pork. Chef used Lamb meat for this which makes it upscale. This was actually one of the most popular dish that night. everyone loved it!

       The Spicy Buffalo Chicken Pops (P350) is like a mature version of the all-time children's party favorite chicken lollipops.  It's sweet and spicy at first but then the heat builds up the longer you devour it. Addicting! It is served with roquefort dip to help balance the heat.

Moving on to Pizzas!

       The All-Meat with BBQ Sauce Pizza (P410) was everyone's favorite! Their sweet home made barbecue sauce makes this pizza addicting! It has chorizzo, some roast beef, and some salami

       Their Four Cheese (P370) is also really good. Not plain tasting at all. It of course has mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan, and machengo.

       I like their Seafood Pizza (P380) as well because you don't really notice you're eating a seafood pizza. There's not so much fishy taste anywhere. It has shrimps, white fish, scallops, anchovies, and pesto.

       And finally the Vegetarian Pizza (P320). Like the Seafood Pizza, this one is seasoned well that you don't really notice that there's no meat on your pizza bread. It has mushroom, capsicum, olives, and caramelized onions. A vegetarian party in your mouth!

And for sweet endings, Chef Benjo goes on a cheesecake craze with these brilliant new desserts!

       Meet  the Maple Bacon Cheesecake (P250). Could this be anymore food-porn-ish? This is a perfect example of a sweet and salty dessert.A good cheesecake *drool* dusted with yummy bacon bits *drool* and drizzled with maple syrup. A winner!

       The Nutella and Candied Hazelnut Cheesecake (P 250) sounds like a dream come true for Nutella lovers like me and Richie. A Nutella cheesecake with hazelnuts for an added crunch!

       The Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake (P250) is a good bet for chocolate and peanut lovers. Imagine a chocolate cheesecake topped with some nuts and then drizzled with chocolate syrup

       Chef Benjo also made an amazing lava cake for those crazy with the Cookie Butter spread. The White Chocolate and Cookie Butter Love-ah Cake (P270) is a white chocolate cake oozing with cookie butter inside. Served with vanilla ice cream. Perfect!

       So anyway, even if Richie doesn't drink (and I can't drink too much also on account of my breast milk hehehe), there's a high chance you'll be seeing us at URBN again. Because it's really not just a clubbing bar place. It's an awesome place to dine!

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