
Monday, October 21, 2013


                   FINALLY!!! I have finally been to Nomama Ramen in Quezon City!! I can't believe I had to wait for Nomama's Second year anniversary before I managed to visit. But no matter.. I visited at the perfect time. Because for their second year anniversary, Nomama and I have teamed up for a little something special for you all. 

            How special, you ask? 

            How does a free bowl of Ramen, everyday, for the next 60 days sound? 

             I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty darn special to me!

            Nomama Artisinal Ramen is the brainchild of super talented chef, Him Uy de Baron. They specialize in Ramen, but make no mistake about it.. Chef Him's unique takes on the Japanese classic dish makes Nomama's impact in the Ramen scene, unmistakable. 

            As I checked out the menu, I discovered that Chef Him's handiwork isn't relegated to bowls of Ramen. Nomama lineup of food also consists of some very unique, Japanese inspired dishes that I was more than eager to check out. 


            We started our meal off with the Beef Curry Rib Gyoza (P170). The steamed dumpling was packed with delicious braised short rib, and laid out on a bed of curry sauce. I had to admit though, as delicious as it was, the sauce tasted nothing like curry, and a bit more like a mild steak sauce. 


                     The reason why I said I felt I visited Nomama at the perfect time, was because if I had gone any earlier, I probably wouldn't have been able to try their new menu, which includes the Bacon Steakie with a Kimchi-Mango Puree, and Onigiri (P485). Call me biased, but this was nothing short of amazing. The magic begins with the Bacon slab, which is supplied by none other than Mr. Delicious, who is famous in the food market circles for doing wonderful things with his meat (Did that sound weird?) His bacon, is glazed in maple and soy, with the side of Kimchi-Mango Puree creating a wonderful balance of smokey and sweet.  


             One of the signature dishes of Nomama, is their Thai Green Curry Ramen (P330 Regular/P220 Junior), so naturally that is one I ordered. Rina loves Green Curry, so I thought she'd love this. Funnily enough, I enjoyed it more than she did. The dish is made with Green Curry made in-house at Nomama,with seared chicken fillet, Bok Choy and Green Peas. The noodles were firm and had a good springiness to it, while the broth had a delicate creaminess and light sweetness, but a milder punch of spiciness than what I'm usually used to in a curry.

           Overall, a very tasty take on Ramen.. AND Curry.

             Another incredible concoction by Chef Him, is the Wagyu Steak and Onion Ramen, Triple Onion and Miso Pepper Butter Ramen (P590). The Ramen noodles topped with melted miso butter are elegantly piled on the plate, with gorgeous cuts of tender Kitayama cut flank steak, with two fried onion rings perched on the top. 

        This is a deconstructed Ramen, with the broth served separately, so you can choose to pour the broth over noodles, or dip your noodles into them tsukemen style! 

       Though the name is quite a mouthful, this was absolutely phenomenal.  
  Definitely something I wouldn't mind eating everyday for the next sixty days!

        Which leads me to this...

         The selection of Artisinal Ramen at Nomama ranges from Prawn, to Ox Tongue, and even Beef Cheek! Having the privilege of feasting on one bowl a day for the next 30 days would give you the opportunity to try each and every one of Chef Him's remarkable creations! 

              Interested?? Thought so!  

            It's simple. Do you have photos from your visit to Nomama? I wanna see 'em! 

**Step One:** 

         Like Nomama Ramen and The Pickiest Eater in The World on facebook. 

**Step Two:** 

          Upload a picture of yourself enjoying your Ramen at Nomama Ramen at the Pickiest Eater In The World Facebook Page! Please feel free to be creative with your picture! Add a funny caption on your facebook picture or even photoshop (or use an app) to add artwork if needed.. The funnier or more creative the picture, the better!  

           After your own personal caption, add the following line to the picture caption:

Happy 2nd Anniversary @Nomama Ramen! @The Pickiest Eater In The World will choose one person to win a bowl of free ramen for 60 days! #BowlFest

          Please don't forget to tag Nomama Ramen and The Pickiest Eater in The World, otherwise your entry won't count!

**Step Three:** 

        Cut and Paste the link address of the picture and add it to the "Comment" section requirements, together with your Name, and email address.

        I have added a rafflecopter widget at the bottom, but that's only to help me track entries. The winning entry will be selected by me, and the brilliant minds at Nomama Artisinal Ramen.

        So what are you waiting for?? Upload those pictures NOW!!

For any inquiries of clarifications, please feel to email me at:
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed/administered by or associated with Facebook.



  1. I live just beside Nomama so next time you come for a visit give me a heads up so we can meet. Will tell Jazmin so she can join us too. She has been craving to come back to Nomama.

  2. Here is my entry

  3. my entry

