
Wednesday, October 23, 2013


       I've spent a lot of time walking around and killing time in Greenbelt. But I've never walked past Red Box in Greenbelt 3. So naturally it was only a few weeks ago that I hear of this place called Dillingers 1903 Steak and Bar at the same floor of Red Box. Just walk a bit past it and this rustic-looking bar will greet you.

Photo from Dillingers Facebook Page

       We were invited along with other bloggers to try their scrumptious meals. And I'm glad I was able to attend (Sorry hun!). Unfortunately for my hard-working husband, although it was just walking distance from his work, he couldn't make it because they were up against a deadline. It was too bad because this place serves beautiful and delicious meat meals that are right up Richie's alley (We'll just go back next time hun hehe).

       Let's start with the soup. This huge Clam Chowder soup is  very filling. Aside from clams it also has some potatoes, some chopped carrots, potatoes, celery, and BACON!

       It's so huge I wouldn't be able to finish one. I would have just liked my soup to be more creamy. The thicker the better for me.

       Starting with the Dillingers Signature Sliders. It was a combination of a classic burger, cheese burger, and the Western Bacon Burger. They all had very juicy and flavorful patties. Simply done but packed with flavors!

       Next we tried the Buffalo Wings which had a generous serving. It was crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. And what I loved about it was how it was not extremely spicy.

       Plus, there was a serving of fries in the middle drizzled with a generous amount of cheese, bacon, ground beef, and jalapenos And then some blue cheese dip for the wings which really balances the heat. This would be the perfect to nibble on with your favorite drink.

       The Salpicao (P245)! Oh my lowd the Salpicao! Richie knows how much I love salpicao and how I can't resist ordering one when it's in the menu. And I think I can safely say that Dilinger's Salpicao is one of the best I've tried! It's the beef tenderloins are so garlicy and salty and really really soft! I just wish it came with a side order of extra double garlic rice hehehe.

       The Shrimps Diavola (P345) were good too! It's their version of Gambas. The taste was a lot like the salpicao but had shrimps instead of beef, and topped with spiced spicy garlic. But I think I like the beef better.

       The Truffle Pasta (P295) was also one of my favorites! A creamy truffle pasta goodness dusted with Parmesan cheese! What's not to like? I love truffles!

       The Loco Moco (P295) is a fancy burger steak with a super juicy burger, topped with a sunny side up and caramelized pineapple chunks! Now that sound really delicious especially and a perfect thing to order when you'r extremely starving! This will really hit the spot especially for rice lovers like me!

       Next is the Cajun Grouper (P395). It's quite expensive for me but it's a nice break from all the meat. You can really taste the freshness of the grouper and it goes really well with the mango-tomato salsa.

       Okay you need to really focus on this next dish. This is what made Richie cry that he wasn't able to make it...

       Presenting the Tomahawk. A really huge 42 oz bone-in Ribeye Steak served with red wine-demiglace sauce. It was cooked perfectly.

       The crust of the meat had a little crunch from the peppercorn rub if I'm not mistaken. It was also served with a creamy mac n cheese truffle which was good as well. I'm not really a die-hard steak lover but this one I could get used to!

       And standing in for Richie as my model is Mr. Spanky "Sonny Boy" Enriquez cleaning off the huge bone like a cave man hehehe.

       And for a sweet ending, we tried Dillingers Chocolate Lava cake which was served in a martini glass. It was really moist and the chocolate was more on the dark sie, which bodes well for me as a dark chocolate fan.

       After that filling and delicious dinner, we were lead to another "prohibited" room. I was intrigued. What could be lurking inside? It made me think that there could be a group of mobs inside waiting for us!

       Turns out it was a whole other room that looked more like a club with lights and music and everything! Suddenly I was transported back to my care-free days! When I could drink a couple of glasses and it'll be okay.

       Around 2 or 3 bartenders were attending the huge bar there mixing up beautiful drinks!

       Like this Dillingers Sour. I wasn't able to try it but boy was it pretty!

       I really can't wait to invite my kumares back here for a drink or two! And Richie to devour the Tomahawk in seconds! :-)

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