
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


         Today marks the third year to the day in which I signed up for a blogger account, opened up a new post and typed in the words, Hello. My Name is RichieZ. And I am the Pickiest Eater In The World." 

       Little did I know that doing so, would open a world of opportunity, and lead me on to a roller coaster ride of awesomeness.

      Since then, I have experience things that I never thought would ever happen.. If you've been following my blog, you know all about my all expense trip to New York courtesy of Oreo Philippines with my wife last year, fulfilling my dream of taking her to the land of the free . That made me to do more travel posts in the future, but Rina and I decided it would be more rational to wait for Rain to be a little bit older so she can remember her experience, before we start planning trips for abroad. 

     I'm very fortunate to say that my blog has been noticed by not just restaurants, but by hotels as well (Ever since May 1, Rina and I have dined at a hotel at least once a week.. I know, right??)! 

    I've stayed at Taal Vista Hotel with Blogging icons Anton Diaz, Nikki Tiu, and Jo Tan

     My blogger friends and I Recently F1 Hotel in Bonifacio Global City (Post coming this week!), and got to meet some of the top chefs from around the country! 

       I have at least one more staycation lined up, and one trip to Mindanao, sponsored by an international Hotel Chain that Rina and I are looking forward to!   

     The invitations to food related events have gotten so frequent, I've had to ask Rina to start going in my place (I've got a day job cuz' blogging doesn't pay the bills yet)! Since she seemed to enjoy blogging so much, that after much encouragement from me, she started her own blog.. Rina's Rainbow

      It's awesome that's she's been getting invites on her own! 
Don't leave me baby :(  

          Also, another first for me this year was being invited to be a guest speaker at an event.. specifically for Belle Du Jour Power Planner 

I had so much fun with the Bellas, and even got to meet Karen Bordador... *sigh* hehe

         My feature on Bacon came out on Breakfast Magazine June-July issue, so I hope you all pick up a copy of that! 

Rina got to meet Chef Aaron Craze of The Asian Food Channel..

And Gordon Ramsay Followed me on Twitter!!!!

              I also wrote what would become one of my most popular post of all time... My "Fashion Post".

          Something that I want to say that I am most thankful for, are my readers. I take pride in the fact that the Pickiest Eater readers range from all social classes. From a Makati executive asking for my advice on for a romantic place where he could whisk aways his wife for their wedding anniversary, to a college student looking for a restaurant where he can take the girl he's courting out for a date without hurting his allowance, the diversity of my readership is a testament to how my blog is reaching out to a wide audience.  And that, I am so thankful for.

        I feel appreciative to every single person who took time out of their day, to spend a couple of minutes and read my latest adventure. To me, any blogger who thinks their blog should only cater to a specific market only is a moron.

        Here's hoping that The Pickiest Eater in The World Blog reaches even greater heights, and that you'll all stick around for the exciting ride!



I've got some GC Giveaways lined up, including my ongoing one

 for Outback SteakhouseSo please do stick around for that! 


  1. Happy Anniversary Richie! :) Di na talaga mareach. hehehe.

    On a serious note, you deserve everything. Keep up the awesome work, dude. :)

    Thanks for the friendship as well. :P

    I don't know how you'll going top that fashion post of yours, but please, nothing explicit ha. :)

  2. Happy birthday to your blog, Mr. Pickiest Eater! I am also glad to have stumbled upon your blog. More power!

    1. Im glad you found my site too, babing! Thank you!

  3. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite bloggers! Here's to more blogging success, cheers! :)

    1. Thats an honor coming from one of my favorite bloggers as well :) thank u guia!

  4. Happy happy 3rd blog anniversary! :) You definitely deserve all these and more. Cheers to more blessings and more food trips in the coming awesome blogging years!

  5. Congratulations and God Bless Sir! I hope to see more of your posts and your antics! My day wouldn't be complete if I do not check out your blog. I really love the humor and the (lack of) seriousness you put into your writing :D :D :D Cheers

    1. Thanks bro! I'm happy I got to meet you in person! I hope you continue your food blog as well because you've got something good going on!

  6. Happy Anniversary, Bro!!! Proud of you!!!

    1. You've been there since day one.. actually even before that, so you're part of any success this blog achieves, bro! Thank you!

  7. Happy Anniversary po! Whenever I see your blog, I'm also inspired to have a food blog one of these days. :D Wishful thinking! :D Super cuuuuuuuuuute ni baby Rain :D God bless you and your family more!

  8. Happy Anniversary, Richie! The success of your blog is one of my inspirations for starting out a blog of my own. More power to the Pickiest Eater!
