
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


        I remember the first time I saw a Corned Beef Brisket. I was a child- Either in the fourth or fifth grade- living in Cebu, and my father took us to a family dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.. "Eddie's Log Cabin". My dad would keep going back there for their Fresh Corned Beef. Even my sister would rave about it. 

      During my first time there, I was a bit surprised when I saw the plate the waiter placed in front of my father. I was expecting to see some shredded meat, sauteed with garlic and onions. Instead, it was a big hunk of beef, placed beside some potatoes and cabbage.. and oddly enough.. there was no "corn".

      Maybe it's because it was my first time to taste corned beef that didn't come from a tin can, but Eddie's Log Cabin was my benchmark for fresh corned beef. But that was until I got my hands on some of Mr. D's Artisanal Philippine Wagyu Corned Beef.

      Let's just say that bar has now been raised. 

            The packaging of the goods was simple but classy. It was in a plastic microwaveable box and wrapped in paper with the Mr. D's sticker on it, tied up with a thin piece of string. It kinda reminded me of meet you would get from an old school butcher. If you were to give this to me as a gift, you'd probably just need to add a card and you're good to go (hint hint)!

         It was my Father In Law's birthday just a few days before, so Rina and I thought it would be nice to bring this with us to their place for a nice family Sunday lunch. 

            Preparing this was relatively easy. The instructions said to just add the pre-cooked meat and the liquid into a pot, then cover and simmer till it's hot. Easy as that. We were contemplating whether to take it out of the broth or not, but we found it to be quite tasty as well. So we decided to serve it as a deconstructed "Corned Beef Nilaga", with the potatoes and other veggies on the side. 

       The meat was phenomenal. The marbling was absolutely gorgeous, especially for corned beef. It had nice linings of fat that I dont usually see in Corned Beef, but nothing that that would turn off someone who enjoys it lean.

    The meat was cured for a week then slopw cooked for hours and it showed.  I honestly didn't think that something I had to reheat would still be so incredibly tender. Strips of beef tore cleanly off the slab like I was picking off cotton candy, and the meaty flavor of the beef was so good, a cow would be willing to commit cannibalism just to enjoy it. 

       My Father In Law was using the broth as "sabaw" for his rice, and would say "Sarap!" after every other spoonful. I was also surprised how huge half a kilo was! Although we were five, and we did have other items on our menu for that lunch, there was still a bit leftover. You should've seen the face when Rina told her dad that we were leaving it with him (One of the hardest things I've ever had to do).   

         The care put into making this Corned Beef Brisket was very impressive, and it showed in every way possible.

        The Wagyu Corned Beef is available for P1,250 for 1 Kilo or P650 for half a Kilo. Contact for orders!


       I forgot to mention to our cook to have a care with the Corned Beef for picture taking, so please forgive how it looks like Roadkill. Had I known she'd mutilate it...

        For more information on how to order, just go to:


  1. wow!! made me crave for one... it's a gloomy day pa naman. warm soup would be perfect!

  2. Haha this is something else noh? I actually like to quote a cartoon character from Sealab 2021 when I first mashed these corned beef into my mouth
    "feels like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

    - Ray

  3. Mr. D sent some to our office. Loved it! I would have wanted it to be a tad more salty though. I guess personal preference nalang!

    Got to take some home (yeahbah!) and we ate it with pandesal.

    Loved the home made pickles he sent with it too :)

    1. i wanted to make a sandwich with it but daddy ricky fell in love with it.. i didn't have the heart to take it away from him hehe

  4. Now THAT is my kind of corned beef - British Isles-style and in SLABS! This would be so freaking perfect on a bed of homemade mashed potatoes - OR a heap of chunky, just-out-of-the fryer fries! (And bacon bits! Nyurhurhurhur...)

  5. OMG! That Corned Beef looks AWESOME!!!!I gotta get me one of those! Thanks for the post Richie :)

  6. We loved this! We loved their corned beef pandesal!!!! <3

    1. Pretty awesome, huh? Hope to finally see ya next month? :)

  7. bought half a kilo of this corned beef a while back and was underwhelmed. kinda bland for my family's taste.

  8. Americans would definitely love this version of the corned beef, but this would be a turn-off for typical filipinos who grew up with the purefoods and argentina variety. Got a half kilo of this sometime ago and I think this would work better as nilaga or sinigang but not for the corned beef hash we're all used to.

  9. Oh this is so perfect with garlic rice. I love how you described that your dad in law was raving sarap after every spoonful! Nakakagutom!
