
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


     I'm usually an alternative music/rock and roll kind of guy, but when I first heard the Song "I Love You 2" by Usher, I loved it instantly. In fact, it made me, more than ever, want to have a child. 

      I can't name you another song of Usher at the moment, but I found this to be the best Father-Daughter song I've heard. I promised myself that when we had our first child, I would make a video using this song for him or her. 

         I've deviated from the usual food posts to share with you a video I made for my daughter for her birthday.. Which, if you follow my food all know her as "Baby Rain".

        I won't lie to you.. Conceiving Baby Rain wasn't the easiest process for Rina and I (Clearly wasn't the worst either hehe). Like many couples eager to be parents, we've had our share of disappointments and false alarms. We just kept reminding ourselves that everything will happen in God's time. 

      In late 2010, many friends suggested we get away from the stress of the real world and go take a romantic vacation together.. which is why Rina and I scheduled a trip to Boracay. We promised each other that if we didn't conceive after the trip, we would both seek medical advice on the best way to go about it. 

     As you can imagine, Rina was heartbroken when she found out that she still wasn't pregnant the following month. 

       We began seeing our doctor in November 2010. Our Doctor, whom we lovingly call "Tito Manny", guaranteed us that by March 2011, Rina would be pregnant, provided we follow his advise and take some medications and simple treatments. Lo and behold, by February 12, my mom's birthday, Rina and I announced to our families that we were pregnant. (Tito Manny said "shinort cut mo naman eh!")  After a safe pregnancy and only a slight hiccup (nothing major) during the delivery, here we are, one year later. 

       My little princess has turned a year old, and never ceases to amaze me every single time I look at her. 

       Her first year has been a wonderful one.. And together, we've watched her grow up right before our very eyes in this blog. Which is ironic, because for a time, my blog was in serious jeopardy of being shut down, because I didn't believe that I would be able to financially sustain the blog and a baby at the same time. I didn't realize that "The Pickiest Eater" would be an important tool in watching her grow up. 

      Thank you all for being a part of Rain's first year. I hope you'll stick around til her 18th birthday.. or even her wed-.. err... I don't wanna think about it so forget I said anything.. hehe.. 


  1. This is so sweet and may I see you got a lovely daughter. Well I hope I am still alive by her 18th birthday and your blog is still around that time so I can go here and greet her. Happy birthday to Baby Rain!

  2. What a sweet video! :) Happy bday baby rain!

    1. Actually Naiiyak ako when I was editing it hehe.. Thank you!

  3. Happy Birthday baby Rain.. ang cute cute naman :)

  4. she's really cute..=)
    you sure are a proud dad for having a daughter that pretty..
    great job!
    your family seemed really happy in that video..
    the news of having another kid in the family creates a really good music to the ears..
    words could not be enough to describe the feeling, i bet..=)

    1. You are exactly right, Chilzen.. I can safely say that she is my pride and joy, and my life's greatest achievement :)

  5. Baby Rain was definitely worth the wait! :) You guys inspire us, Richie and Rina. Will book a trip to Boracay na rin nga! hehe kidding!

    happy bday to the cutiepie! *hugs* -- auntie Frannywanny

    1. Thank you Auntie Frannywanny!! Go for gold at Boracay!! ;) hehehe

  6. Happy Birthday, baby Rain!!! Don't grow up too fast!

  7. 3:09 like father like daughter haha! :D Happy birthday to baby rain!!! I really really love her eyes! it would be great to show this video again on her 18th birthday and her wedd-... ok i'll shut up now haha! :)

  8. Replies
    1. Grabe everytime Rina watches this, naiiyak sya hehe

      and I'm so glad you finally got to meet her, Tita KC!

  9. Awww---happy birthday, Baby Rain. :)

  10. Happy birthday, baby Rain! (Golly, Richie! She's grown up so fast; soon, she'll be clamoring for her own portions of burgers and bacon!)

    1. haha I have an eerie feeling you're right midge! haha thank you!

  11. Talagang "we were pregnant" eh noh? Kuleet! Hehehe...
    Nice video dre! Ganda ng reaction ni mother. I'm really happy for you.
    Keep it up!!!

    1. Haha mas malaki pa tiyan ko compared to my pregnant wife!

      Thank you so much Anonymous!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I couldn't have put it into words any better myself, Lorena :)

  13. Awwwwww.... so sweet! And so cuuuuute! Happy birthday Baby Rain!

  14. I was teary-eyed during the first part when your Mom was screaming with joy. I was watching with my baby, and she points out to Baby Rain and goes, "Baby!". At the end of the video, she asked, "No more baby?" and I go, "finished na", then she goes, "Again, baby." So I played the video once more. :)

    1. Aww is this Keia?? haha she's so cute!

      honestly when i watch this, if I dont keep myself composed, there's a chance I might shed a tear hehe..

      Eh I have a macho reputation to protect.


  15. Baby Rain is probably one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure you'll grow up to be one of the prettiest as well that your Dad will surely have a hard time chasing away boys, hehehe. Happy Birthday cutie:))


    1. I won't have a hard time cuz by then I'll have a shotgun ready hehe

      Thank you Alia :)

  16. your mom's reaction was priceless and your baby is so adorable! this post/video left me teary eyed, i can feel the love! :)

  17. Rain is so lucky to have one cool dad like you Richie!! :>

    1. Thank you Pen.. But the truth is, I'm the lucky one :)

  18. I can't stop my tears while watching the video at work... Awww... Baby Rain, you got the sweetest family! Happy first birthday, wishing you well always!
