
Friday, July 27, 2012


Just giving ya'll something to read while you're waiting for the video to load.. 

    It's been quite an amazing week for Rina and I.. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that a company as prestigious as Oreo Philippines would select me as one of the three contestants for their "Blogger AmbassadOREO" contest! Nevertheless, we are eternally grateful to have our humble website recognized alongside two other amazing blogs.. Our Awesome Planet and The Tummy Traveler.  

    The outpouring of love and support from family, friends, and readers from all across the world has been overwhelming, and I cannot thank you all enough. It's incredible how something as simple as a cookie that has been in existence for the past 100 years, can bring the world closer together, spreading the word of pure love with every creamy, chocolatey bite. 

       Something I noticed was true, was the effect an Oreo had on adults. It's a given that kids adore the cookies, but it was wonderful to see a grown man unafraid to get back in touch with his inner child, when holding a pack of Oreos in his hand! All of a sudden, adults had the license to be silly and outrageous, without a care in the world!

    Case in point.. When Rina was taking my photos in the swimming pool, and I was jumping up and down like a madman, my mom walks up to Rina and asks, "Ano nanaman ginagawa niya? (What's he doing this time?)". (With all my insanity she's witnessed me display over the years, you'd think she be used to it by now.)  Rina just laughed and said, "He's got an Oreo." She looked at me, and instead of the usual exasperated comment I was expecting to get, she just said, "Oh.", The walked away. 

    Apparently, having an Oreo in my hand was all the excuse I needed for my rambunctious behavior. (If only I knew this in High school! Oh the things I could have gotten away with!)

    There are so many people that I need to thank, and fear not, I plan to do a separate post of every single picture, thanking every single contributor. As you can imagine, there are too many to mention, but I need to take time to thank a few people that made this possible..

   Starting with Mr. Edu Manzano. Who would have thought tweeting a celebrity would take me this far? My wife Rina for her amazing photography, My giant Joel, for his work with a video camera, and my buddy Ronald, for his amazing editing skills, and my daughter, Baby Rain, for being my little Oreo Angel :)

  I have so many friends, family and readers that contributed, and I don't want to start naming them for fear of missing out one.. But please make no mistake about it.. I am eternally grateful to each and everyone of you for helping me submit my entry. I actually feel kinda silly about worrying I wouldn't have enough pictures to make an entire video. (In case you don't see your picture in the video, it probably means it didn't make the cut off time, but I'll add it to my blog entry)

 I intend to post every single picture sent to me with the name of the sender in a different blog post! But for now...

I hope you enjoy my entry to the
 "Official Blogger AmbassadOREO" Contest!  


  1. Woohooo!!! You can do it! Lezzgow! :)

    Buuuut, I keep getting a sorry message? It won't play :(

    1. maybe its your browser, karen? I tried it with two diff browsers and it worked fine!

      sana u can see your pic! hehe thank u again!!

    2. I finally did! This is awesome Richie! Hope you bag it! Wheeee! :)

  2. I super enjoyed the video! Glad to see your The Pickiest Eater / Richie moments. :))

    I hope you win!!! ^_^

    1. Thank you Mhel!! I really appreciated the support!!! much love to you and Ken!!

  3. Yey!!! I love the video!!! Ang cute-cute ni Rain!

    Good luck! I hope you win!!! :)

  4. the baby is really cute!!! kakkagigil!!

  5. loved your feel good video! can't stop smiling... craving for oreos now!

    oh and your baby is so adorable!

    1. Happy to hear that! That's what I was going for, thank u!

  6. Great vid! Who doesn't love oreo?! It's like Disneyland in a cookie! Hahahaha. God bless, Richie! :D

    Babe for Food - your BFF in Cebu dining! :)

  7. Sayang! Wasn't able to send my Wicked Oreo picture! HAHAHA :)) anywho, good job! and good luck :D

    cutie ni Rain!

  8. Cool video Richie!! Hope you win, good luck!! :)

    1. Thank you, Guia! You were the first person to submit a pic :)

    2. Really? Hehe, excited, haha! :D

  9. So many people love you, your family and your blog! Keep up the good work Richie! Hope you win!

    1. Thank u Noel! Everyday I thank god for the blessings.. Including having a wonderful bunch of readers.. Which of course includes u!

  10. I super love your entry!!! :) NYC.. Get ready for the Pickiest Eater! :)

    1. Thank u Berylle! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

    2. Don't worry Richie, there are many more fingers crossed for you! :)

    3. I sure hope so! thank you so much :) see you next sat!

  11. Hi there! this video is really COOL!..Hope you win! and your Oreo Angel's really cute! :D Keep it up

  12. Galing Richie! :) I really hope you win! :) Don't forget my gwapong New Yorker! :)

  13. Great Job Pickiest Eater! :) Cute ng baby!

  14. Go go go Richie! Hope you get the big W !

  15. wow! nakakatuwa naman yung video! ang saya panoorin.haha ang gorgeous mo sa last part.haha

    GOD bless idol! ;p

    1. Haha Thank you for your contributions, Zai! Ang ganda ng necklace mo! hehe

  16. Good luck! Galing, you deserve it! :D

    1. Thank you so much Rowena! Means a lot, especially coming from you! :)
