
Monday, October 10, 2011


           One day, I was at home with Rina minding my own business when my Cousin Paolo tweeted me a picture of a Sausage burger that looked pretty bad ass. He said he wasn't sure what the name of the place was, but wanted to schedule a lunch there with Rina and I. Kuya Paolo has been with me in numerous food trips, including John & Yoko, Ukkokei and most recently, Kanzhu, and we always have a blast when we go on food trips so I was really Gung Ho about going to try this place with him. 

     That following week, my friend Rain showed me an article on the net about a place that featured Pork Sausage Burgers instead of your usual 100% beef patties called "Size Matters". I looked back at all my clues, put two and two together and realized that this was the place Paolo was talking about (Watching all those episodes of "Murder She Wrote" finally paid off). Since Rina's doctor is in Quezon City, a place that I've mentioned I don't frequent anymore, I decided that every time we go, we'd try a restaurant there. The first one was Kanzhu, then next on our list would be Size Matters. Our next visit to the doctor was the following Saturday, so I accepted the fact that I wouldn't be trying the sausage patty burger until another week.

      But as it turned out, the food gods had a plan for me. 
     Just like it was ripped from a food version of the movie, "Serendipity", The popular group buying site "Groupon Philippines decided to unleash a "Size Matters: Flame Grilled Sausage Burgers" Promo in their site (Some things are just truly meant to be)! As you can imagine, I snapped it up immediately without a second thought. Unfortunately, the voucher for my order arrived sometime within the next day, and I wasn't able to check it right away. So by the time Rina made reservations (You need to give the voucher number to make reservations), their Saturday was already fully booked. 

     Not willing to wait another week, I told Rina to make the reservation for Sunday. By hook or by crook, I was going to try those sausage burgers (All great love stories have obstacles.. It's like "Size Matters" was the "Princess" and I was the "Stable Boy").  

             There's not much to say about the interiors, to be honest. It's basically a narrow, albeit clean space that consists of two tables. Even the bathroom reminded me of the lavatory inside an airplane. The walls were surrounded by photographs of customers on one side, and a mirror on the other (to create the illusion of space.. nax.. I should've been an architect. No wait.. Or is that an Interior Designer? Never mind)

         Although I'm usually an "indoor with the aircon" kind of guy, I found the place too cramped for my style, so we decided to stay outside. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, not too hot, so it was perfect. I figured it would be like a picnic for me and my beautiful wife. The food came after around 10 minutes or so 


      The dude manning the counter, a very nice man by the name of Dan, explained to us that the demand for their supply has been more than they anticipated, and that they were out of stock with a few stuff. Gone was the curly fries Rina had been craving for. As were the Onion rings. Though I was sorely disappointed, I decided not to let it get to me. I saw they had a "Sausage Plate" (P135) so I could try another one of the sausages. I decided to go with Italian, because I felt it would best go with the Mozzarella. 

     The Sausage had a peppery bite to it, and very well seasoned sausage meat. It had a great blend of different herbs that was just bursting with flavor. The coating of the cheese was a nice touch to it, but truth be told, got lost in the taste of the sausage.  

        I asked Rina what size she wanted for her sausage. And in true "Size Matters" form, she answered, "The biggest". And just like that, I fell in love with her all over again. 

      I ordered her the 12 inch Schublig Sausage (P249), and was flabbergasted by its enormity. 12 inches doesn't sound all that big until it's placed in front of you in the form of a sausage on a bun. It was very meaty and hearty sausage, but I was looking for a bit more smokiness to it.The sausage comes slathered in mayonaise, and chopped up bits of tomato and onion, which i believe should be made optional (It states that its there in the little flyer they hand out, but its not in the menu board above the counter).
   If the Italian sausage had flavor in heaps and bounds, the Schublig was the milder.. almost blander cousin. I can imagine that they don't want to pack it with too much flavors because some people like to condiments to their sausages, but this for me was just a tad bit too subtle for me. 

   After getting my mind blown away by Brazil's Schublig Sausage, I had high expectations for this. It was a good effort, but not on that level just yet. 

        However, as a soon-to-be-Father, I appreciated how it was huge enough to help me practice my daddy skills. 

          Along came Size Matters best seller, the "Breakfast In Bed"... The reason for me being there.. My Destiny. Sadly, one of the casualties of the Groupon attack on Size Matters was the English Muffins, so They had to serve this to me on an Oat Bun instead. I wasn't too happy, truth be told, but what you gonna do, right? 

     Size Matters "Breakfast in Bed" consists of Two Breakfast Sausage Burger patties, Bacon(!), Fried Egg, American Cheese, Onions, Tomato and Romaine Lettuce. This was nothing short of amazing. I would rank the breakfast sausage patty among the best I've had and it melded well with everything in it.. the sweetness of the generous amounts of bacon, the tanginess of the cheese, and the lightly spiciness the raw onion brought to the table (I took out the tomato). 

   After my first bite, I realized it didn't matter if the burger wasn't in an English Muffin. They could have put this in between two Spartan Slippers and it would have tasted magnificent. The oat bun did a serviceable job, and was actually very soft..had I not known it wasn't supposed to be used for the Breakfast In Bed, I wouldn't have complained. 

        But still... I could only imagine how much more kick ass it would have been if it was sandwiched between an English Muffin. 

My baby has got her hands full

      We washed everything down with some of their very refreshing, not to mention extremely addicting lemon Iced Tea (P85) which was served in a mug that was as huge as my head (Yes, we shared). Oh and by the way.. according to Dan The Man, the sausage patties in the gourmet burgers are interchangeable, depending on your preference. 

              The next time I go to Size Matters, and I definitely plan to soon, I would probably order the Breakfast in Bed just to try it with the English Muffin. But maybe this time, I'd add extra caramelized onions. And maybe more bacon (hehe). Hopefully,the other items will be in stock too!


Since this entry was posted, Size Matters Sausage Burgers has moved to a new location.

G/F 500 Shaw Zentrum, 500 Shaw boulevard, Mandaluyong City, Mandaluyong, Philippines



  1. Hey! Thanks for your review and for visiting our Sausage joint. Your feedback, particularly on the veggies on the Sausages is actually very helpful for us.

    Regarding the inventory problems, we apologize as well as some were stuck in shipment (we got some overseas). As of today, we already have the full line complete except for our also famous Jalapeno Cheese spuds, which will also arrive this Friday.

    Please let us know when you plan to return so we can give you a compli twister fries since you missed it the last time =)


  2. Nice to hear from you guys! I really loved the breakfast in bed (In case you didn't see the video yet hehe) and I can't wait to try it with an English muffin! Regarding your inventory, Dan explained that the groupon crowd was a bit more than anticipated.. not to mention there was a party there the day before.. no worries..

    I hope be back very soon! :)

  3. hi again sir richie! my friends and i are going to visit Size Matters, soon.. and we're so thankful about your feedback! maybe i'll try the "breakfast in bed" and their humongous "Schublig Sausage"! thanks again!

    1. You are most welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :) if ya get a chance to blog about it, please share the link here! I'd love to check it out :)
